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Greetings from Gretchen Hall, Pendle Hill’s new Clerk of the Board

Gretchen_Hall_2012-175x200For a Quaker institution celebrating 84 years, Pendle Hill is remarkably agile, innovative, and visionary. Grounded in Friends values and depending on sturdy traditions, Pendle Hill offers amazing contemporary educational programs and spiritual renewal. And the campus environment – the place and the people – embraces hearts and spirits.

How could I say “no” to becoming Clerk of the Board for this special place? It is a joy, an honor, and a challenge to serve in this role, following in the capable footsteps of recent clerks Clinton Pettus and Deborah Shaw. I believe fulfilling this role will form an important part of my spiritual journey over the coming months.

With the Board, the shared work and decision making comes from a deeply spiritual place. Our Board and committees reflect many of the people who lead and participate in Pendle Hill’s programs. Yet Board members also possess a range of gifts and talents – legal, financial, educational, spiritual, managerial, and socially active – to name a few. As a Board, we cherish our collaborative work with the talented Pendle Hill staff. How could one be more blessed than to be given the opportunity to serve Pendle Hill?  — Gretchen Hall, 2014